7 Great Garden Decoration Tips!

Are you looking for a way to add to your garden decor? Want something everlasting, nature-based or stylized? There are many things that you can add to your outdoor living space to make it comfortable and inviting and still provide you with few hours of work on maintenance. Here are 7 ways to add decor to your garden.

Tip 1: Unadulterated Is Best. When adding products outdoors, from furniture to statuary, you should always look towards the most organic of products. When you do this, you’ll allow for something that fits within the landscape, not something that sticks out in it.

Tip 2: Flow Is Essential. If you have a large garden or landscape, you can create a flow throughout it to make it a much more liveable and organic environment. For example, a pathway leading through the garden is important as it provides for a way to move through the area enjoying all of the principle sights along the way.

A great garden path. Image courtesy of Keerati / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
A great garden path. Image from of Keerati @ FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Serpentine Pathway Stones On A Park Lawn. Image courtesy of artur84 / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Serpentine Pathway Stones. Image from of artur84 @ FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Tip 3: Overboard Isn’t Good. Overcrowding a space with too much decor or even to a multitude of plants is bad business. Instead, look for a more nature-based landscape component. Overcrowding plants can cause them to eventually die or take over the entire garden. Too much decor can make it look cluttered instead of lavish.

Tip 4: Use Lines. Lines from your home or your edging can help to create a lovely look within the garden. The roof line of the house can be a line that leads the eye to something excellent at the end. Use the lines that you have to create a flow to the eye.


Comfortable and Sylish Patio Furniture. Image courtesy of photostock / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Comfortable and Sylish Patio Furniture. Image courtesy of photostock / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Tip 5: Charm Means Theme. While you don’t need a specific theme throughout your garden decor, you should look towards the same or similar offerings. For example, if you place a white metal table under your trees to produce a restful place, make sure that the chairs that go with it match it. Add a white picket fence or other matching pieces to tie certain areas of the garden together as well.

Tip 6: Uphold it. A large amount of the aspects within a garden are going to need some upkeep. If you pull your weeds, don’t let this be overshadowed by the fact that you haven’t washed that white possessions in a year. Keep up on broken or misplaced items as well. Within the duration of harsh winter months, make sure to put as much as possible in storage that can be broken.

Tip 7: Garden decor is not done without the look for lovely patio items. Allow it to mesh with the settings that you have created too. For example, in a woodsy area, look towards an organic, lovely product such as teak to keep it looking as if it belongs there.

The aforementioned points can help to contribute to a lovely and fashionable garden decor that is everlasting, easy to manage and a welcoming place to call your own.
We hope this has given you some inspiration and ideas on how to improve your garden.

Compost Tea – Tea Time For Your Garden

Lettuce. Image courtesy of lobster20 / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

If you would like a nice garden, you’ll need a bucket of water and some garbage. That simple recipe is all you need to grow healthy, beautiful plants all summer long. But before you start floating a tin can in a some water, you need to know that there is a catch.

Vegetable Gardening. Image courtesy of Simon Howden / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Vegetable Gardening. Image courtesy of Simon Howden / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

The trick to this recipe is that you have to compost your garbage first. Compost and water are the only ingredients you need to create a powerful plant supplement known as compost tea.

Compost in the garden will improve your soil which in turn will reward you with strong plants that are better able to fend off droughts and diseases. Compost improves soil structure and drainage.

It can also be used as a fertilizer or a mulch and it enhances the soil’s ability to absorb water.

Compost tea provides the same benefits to a plant as compost but it doesn’t stop there. Not only can compost tea can applied to the soil around plants like regular compost, but it can also be sprayed on the leaves. When sprayed directly on the leaves, it increases the amount of nutrients available to the plant and helps fight foliar diseases.

It will even increase the nutritional value and improve the taste of vegetables.

There are many different ways to make compost tea but most recipes can be summarized by saying, if you steep compost in water you get compost tea.

Using rain water is the best way to make compost tea but you can get by with tap water if rain is scarce. Tap water usually contains enough chlorine in it to kill off all of the beneficial bacteria so it’s best to let it sit for a few hours before using it.

Recycled Seedling Pots ready to plant. Image courtesy of Simon Howden / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Recycled Seedling Pots ready to plant. Image courtesy of Simon Howden / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

The quickest and easiest way to make compost tea is with an old sock filled with compost. Throw it in a bucket and let it sit for a day and you’ve just made compost tea. Sure there are more complicated ways to make the tea more effective such as using air stones or fish tank bubblers to feed the mixture enough oxygen but the old sock in a bucket method works just fine. Some people add molasses to the mix and there are many other secret home recipes.

But you’ll do fine by using a sock filled with compost and a bucket of water. And actually the sock is optional if you have no plans on using a sprayer.

When applying compost tea with a sprayer you have to worry about clogs. Attach some cheese cloth or a piece of panty hose to the sprayer’s intake with some rubber bands and you should be fine.

If you need more than a few buckets of tea, then an old fish tank or a plastic storage bin would make a great container for brewing compost tea.

After you’ve brewed a few batches and are happy with the results why not try aerated compost tea? You’ll need to feed your mixture a constant supply of oxygen so a bubbler or air stones will be required. You need to keep it aerated so it doesn’t grow any harmful pathogens. Some popular ingredients to add to bubbling compost tea are alfalfa, fish emulsion, powdered seaweed, corn meal, green sand and more.

Don’t use manure. Manure tea shouldn’t be used as a foliar spray especially if you’re growing vegetables and who wants manure floating around in their bucket anyway.

Ask a weekend gardener about compost and chances are they’ll tell you it’s powerful stuff with a lot of uses. But ask a serious gardener about compost and they’ll probably tell you that it’s the most important ingredient there is when making compost tea.

Great links to help create compost tea:

Wikihow instructions to make compost tea
How to make compost tea by Home Composting Made Easy

4 Tips For A Flower Garden

Watering your flower garden. Butterfly on flower. Image courtesy of Gualberto107 / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Knowing how to care for your flower garden can make a big difference in the look and over-all health of your plants. Here are some simple hints to make your garden bloom with health.

1. The essentials must always be given major consideration.

Your flower garden must have an adequate supply of water, sunlight, and fertile soil. Any lack of these basic necessities will greatly affect the health of plants. Water the flower garden more frequently during dry spells.

When planting bulbs, make sure they go at the correct depth. When planting out shrubs and perennials, make sure that you don’t heap soil or mulch up around the stem. If you do, water will drain off instead of sinking in, and the stem could develop rot through overheating.

Lovely tulips in a bright flower garden. Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Lovely tulips in a bright flower garden. Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

2. Mix and match perennials with annuals.

Perennial flower bulbs need not to be replanted since they grow and bloom for several years while annuals grow and bloom for only one season. Mixing a few perennials with annuals ensures that you will always have blooms coming on.

Purple Iris. Image courtesy of Tina Phillips / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Purple Iris. Image courtesy of Tina Phillips / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

3. Deadhead to encourage more blossoms.

Deadheading is simply snipping off the flower head after it wilts. This will make the plant produce more flowers. Just make sure that you don’t discard the deadhead on the garden or mildew and other plant disease will attack your plants.

4. Know the good from the bad bugs.

Most garden insects do more good than harm. Butterflies, beetles and bees are known pollinators. They fertilize plants through unintentional transfer of pollen from one plant to another. 80% of flowering plants rely on insects for survival.

Sowbugs and dung beetles together with fungi, bacteria and other microorganisms are necessary to help in the decomposition of dead plant material, thus enriching the soil and making more nutrients available to growing plants.

Butterfly on flower. Image courtesy of Gualberto107 / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Butterfly on flower. Image courtesy of Gualberto107 / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Other insects like lacewings and dragonflies are natural predators of those insects that do the real damage, like aphis.

An occasional application of liquid fertilizer when plants are flowering will keep them blooming for longer.

We hope these 4 tips helps your garden and of course you have many wonderful flowers bloom.

Always prune any dead or damaged branches. Fuchsias are particularly prone to snapping when you brush against them. The broken branch can be potted up to give you a new plant, so it won’t be wasted.

Happy Gardening!

Benefits Of Gardening For Kids

Getting ready to plants some flowers

Apparently, we can see how nature is treated these days. It is a sad thing to know that people do not pay attention so much anymore to the environmental problems. What can we do about this? It’s as simple as starting with the children. It is good to see the children’s involvement with environment-friendly activities. One such nature-loving activity that children could easily get their hands on is gardening. Why should you consider gardening for your children?

Here are the benefits that gardening could easily provide the children with:

1. Science

In planting, children are indirectly taught the wonders of science like the plant’s life cycle and how human’s intervention can break or make the environment. They can have a first hand experience on the miracle of life through a seed. This would definitely be a new and enjoyable experience for the kids.

Getting ready to plants some flowers
Getting ready to plants some flowers

2. Life

Watching a seed grow into a tree is just as wondrous as the conception to birth and growth of a child. In time, kids will learn to love their plants and appreciate the life in them. Gardening could actually help simulate how life should be treated — it should be with care. The necessities to live will be emphasized to kids with the help of gardening – water, sunlight, air, soil. Those necessities could easily be corresponded to human necessities, i.e., water, shelter, air, food. By simply weeding out, one could educate how bad influences should be avoided to be able to live life smoothly.

3. Relaxation

Studies show that gardening can reduce stress because of its calming effect. This is applicable to any age group. More so, it stimulates all the five senses. Believe it or not, gardening may be used as therapy to children who have been abused or those who are members of broken homes. It helps build one’s self-esteem.

Looking at the root system of the flower plant. Amazed at how it looks.
Looking at the root system of the flower plant. Amazed at how it looks.

4. Quality Time with the Family

You can forget about your stressful work life for a while be soothed by the lovely ambiance in the garden. You can play and spend quality time with your children. You can talk while watering the plants or you can work quietly beside each other. The bottom line is, always do what you have to do, together with your kids. You might discover a lot of new things about your child while mingling with them in your garden.

Nearly done. It is looking pretty don't you think?
Nearly done. It is looking pretty don’t you think?

Let kids become aware of their environment’s needs. And one way to jump start that environmental education may be through gardening. It’s hitting two birds with one stone — teach them to respect life while you bond with them.

8 Steps To Decorate A Planter For Mother’s Day

Decorating pots for Mother's Day

Need a gift for Mother’s Day? Or a birthday? Well we have the perfect thing for you. It is cheap, the kids can help and Mom will love it! (Read the rest of this post and download our PDF guide) Yes I think I had you at cheap and getting the kids to help is a bonus as well. Now what am I on a about?

Busy painting the pots for Mother's Day
Busy painting the pots for Mother’s Day

Decorating terracotta pots with paint and you can also add things like decorations if you like. Glitter if the kids fancy it, glitter glue might be a better option since the pot plant most likely will be outside.

What Will You need?

  • Terracotta pots and saucers for the pots
  • Paint to decorate the pots. Look for ayriclic craft paint or external paint that you would paint the house. If you choose standard craft paint you will most likely have to paint it again. I am sure the kids would love to add to their design so no issue there. If you do want to make sure your design is kept and does not wash away keep indoors or seal the paint work on the pot to make sure.
  • Brushes, newspaper to make sure you don’t make a huge mess, container to clean out brushes, and old clothes or an apron for the kids or yourself so you don’t get good clothes dirty.
  • Soil to plant the plants
The kids being creative in their design
The kids being creative in their design

Download our guide 8 Tips to Decorate A Planter for Mother’s Day

8 Steps to Create A Painted Planter For Mom

    1. Set up area for painting. Make sure you have newspaper or some sort of cover to prevent mess and spills. Get it all organized before you get the kids invloved. If you are not ready kids get to eager and start painting. You have been warned!
    2. Make sure the kids paint everything. Saucers and all things that go with the pot.
    3. Our kids used leaves and pressed them into paint to create interesting patterns. This would look amazing if you had different colour paint for different leaf shapes. Then press them onto different areas of the pot and then you have an amazing design.
Using leaves as patterns for the design.
Using leaves as patterns for the design.
    4. Allow kids to get very messy and have fun with this activity. They can be free to create what ever design and outcome they want.
    5. Get plants ready to be added to the finished pot plant. Before you can do this you will need to wait for the paint to dry. We waited a day and then it was ready to go. It could be an hour or so depending on how hot and if the pot is in the sun to dry.
    6. Add dirt and make sure the plants are in the right spot and in just the right amount. You don’t want to have the plants roots out of the planter and not in the soil. If the kids are helping you this is best to check.
    7. Once all in the new planter, it is now time to water the plants. Get them settled and a drink is a good idea.
    8. Check out the finished product. Don’t they look amazing with color on them. Adding paint to terracotta pots does make a difference. The pots jump out at you now and it is a lovely burst of color, just right for spring and the garden.

Watering the finished potted product. All done and looking amazing. Make one for Mom today!
Watering the finished potted product. All done and looking amazing. Make one for Mom today!

Have fun and I’m sure the kids and Mom will love this. It will not break the bank. Get cracking on creating this great Mother’s Day gift.